12 Votes that Changed My Life - Raz Shafer

12 Votes that Changed My Life – Raz Shafer

12 Votes that Changed My Life - Raz Shafer

12 votes cast more than 20 years ago changed the trajectory of the rest of my life. This week I’m sharing how I got started in politics in 1996 and why I keep putting it all out there every cycle.

Texas has the earliest primary election in the nation this year and we’re just under 4 weeks out from knowing who wins and who loses. This week’s episode is a bit different and shorter than most because I want there to be one. Specific takeaway.

I’m going to tell you about the first election I ever worked in and how 12 votes changed my life.

Before I get rolling, I wanted to let y’all know that earlier this week we launched the My Campaign Coach Minute podcast. It’s a 60-90 second podcast that goes out every business day and it’s available on MyCampaignCoach.com, iTunes and you can even add it to your Flash Briefing on Amazon’s Alexa platform! Each episode focuses on a specific strategy or tactic that will help you win whatever campaign you’re working on. I think it’s going to be a great compliment to the longer form interviews and coaching we do on this podcast every week.

Links from the Podcast:

Connect with Raz Shafer on Twitter and Facebook. Check out his new podcast, My Campaign Coach Minute on iTunes, available on Amazon’s Alexa platform. You can also join the Elite Campaign Mastermind or Support My Campaign Coach!

Raz Shafer

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