Stories from the Cruz Presidential Race and How Mom Power Helps You Win
Today we’re talking to Wendy Day about Campaign Messaging, Leveraging earned Media and how to improve your public speaking and debate skills.
Wendy Day is President of “For a Better Day, LLC” where she works in Public Relations, Training and Political Consulting. She has an exhaustive political resume and we most recently worked together when she was serving as Michigan State Director for Senator Cruz’s Presidential campaign. She’s also run for office and helped found the Michigan TEA Party.
One of my favorite things about Wendy is that she really exemplifies the idea of being a “happy warrior.” Whatever may be going on, and there’s been plenty of crazy to go around this year, I’ve never seen Wendy get rattled or lose her cool.
I’m always excited to talk with Wendy and am pumped to see what she can teach us about Messaging, Earned Media and how to improve our debate and speaking skills. If we’re lucky, she’ll also talk a bit about the book she’s working on!
Links from the Podcast
Find Wendy on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or via her website!
Important Time Stamps and Descriptions
[00:00] Introduction and Wendy Day’s Bio
[02:30] Tell us about how you got involved in politics and the crazy road that brought you here
[05:55] Talk a bit more about your time working with Gold Star families, those who have lost servicemen and women in the military.
[07:02] Cruz Presidential Campaign Stories + What to do when you don’t get many resources?
[15:15] How did you motivate your volunteers through the tough campaign and harsh winter?
[20:30] What do you offer campaigns and organizations through your political consulting business?
[21:25] The importance of being Interested vs. Interesting when it comes to voter persuasion
[25:45] “If you raise their blood pressure, you’ve lost their vote”
[27:40] Using software and data to target voters for post-canvassing follow-up (plus funny block-walking stories)
[31:35] How do you get earned media on the campaign trail?
[39:50] What are the keys to building your campaign message strategy?
[46:35] Raz’s great dane, Thor, yawns really loud…
[47:35] How to prepare for political debates
[50:43] Finding your speaking voice when writing speeches and debate introductions
[52:01] What excites you most about what you’re doing in Politics?
[54:14] Politics is 100% Relational, Principle and Strategy like H20 is Water, Steam and Ice.
[55:23] Preview of Wendy’s new book about Moms Power in politics!
[57:19] Where you can find Wendy online
[57:55] Outro and announcements