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Category Archives for "Finance"

Vetting Candidates, Campaign Logistics & Voter Contact – Raz Shafer

Raz Shafer - Vetting Candidates, Campaign Logistics & Voter Contact

Vetting candidates, properly built campaign logistics and strong voter contact are essentials in any political operation. Make sure you’re doing them right!

We’re back again this week with our new podcast format, diving deep into some subjects that folks have asked for us to cover on Facebook. Today we’re talking about Vetting Candidates, building your campaign calendar, the campaign logistics framework for a strong campaign and different ways to contact voters.

Candidate Vetting

With Roy Moore’s defeat in the Alabama Senate this week, lots of people are wondering how the secrets of his past weren’t discovered earlier. His case is an aberration since it’s hard to keep those kinds of things hidden for so long, but there are some common sense steps that people can take to make sure that candidates they support won’t surprise them.

Winning At the Ballot Box and In The Capitol – Micah Cavanaugh

Podcast Interview with Micah Cavanaugh

From volunteering in Kentucky to Consulting and Staff roles in Texas, Micah Cavanaugh has built a proven record of helping conservatives win!

Thank y’all for downloading this week’s episode! As I mentioned in last week’s podcast, here in year two of the How to Run for Office podcast, we’re changing things up a bit and I’m alternating between our standard interview format and deeper dives into specific subjects. I think this is going to be a way to take a more in-depth look at some of the common coaching problems that we get to help campaigns with, while still keeping a heavy focus on the interviews that you’ve gotten used to over the last year.

That said, y’all have the veto power over this change up. I want to make sure that we’re delivering valuable information to help you win elections and if you have input, advice or criticism, I want to hear it. Shoot me an email to and let me know what you think. Heck, if you think it’s a cool idea and you like what we’re doing, shoot me a note about that as well!

One of my favorite parts about the work I do in politics is the awesome people I get to work alongside. Our guest this week is somebody I’ve worked with for several years and it’s awesome seeing the impact that he’s having in the Texas State House.

An Olympian’s Guide to Running for Office – Rep. Jim Ryun

Podcast Interview with Rep. Jim Ryun

He ran the mile like no one ever had and ran for office like every man should. Jim Ryun, 3-time Olympian, spent 10 years in Congress and was well known as both a good man and fantastic candidate.

Jim Ryun knows how to run, and He’s going to share some great insights with us today.

Olympian and Congressman Jim Ryun, has an truly remarkable story. His journey has led him from being cut from the church baseball team to being rated by ESPN as the number one high school athlete of all time, beating both Tiger woods and LeBron James.

Jim Ryun served 10 years in the US House Of Representatives and is currently the Chairman of the Madison Project, where he focuses on helping elect comprehensive conservatives to Congress.

The Power of Saying Thank You

Say Thank You

Say Thank You

Two little words…

The words thank you are often overlooked in the busy hustle and bustle of the modern campaign. But, when used effectively and appropriately, a simple thank you can carry great power.

Appreciation and common courtesy are extremely effective tools of motivation. In what seems like an social evolution toward increasingly curt and even rude interactions (perhaps instigated by increased digital communication), the value of genuine appreciation does not go unnoticed.

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