Logistics Archives - My Campaign Coach
Category Archives for "Logistics"

2018 General Election Forecast and Polling Fundamentals – Chris Perkins

2018 General Election Forecast and Polling Fundamentals

Chris Perkins is the Principal of Ragnar Research and a nationally renowned expert in public opinion polling. Today he’s joining us to talk about the Texas Primaries, we’ll look forward to federal elections this November and we talk in detail about top considerations for your campaign when making polling decisions.

For all my Texas friends recovering from the Primary election last week, I hope you’re catching up on sleep and enjoying some outside time that doesn’t involve canvassing or waving signs!

Texas had the country’s first primary election this year and it was nuts. Lots of competitive seats and we’ve got a bunch of runoff elections coming up in May. So, all that to say, the fight continues for a lot of folks, but at least some of you guys are getting some sleep.

Today, we’re talking to Chris Perkins, a nationally-renowned pollster and we’ll spend time looking at the lessons from the Texas primary, what we know about the landscape for the general election and critical things you need to know about polling for your campaign.

Behind the Scenes with Ted Cruz’s Right Hand Man – Bruce Redden

Behind the Scenes with Ted Cruz’s Right Hand Man

Bruce Redden has spent the last 5 years serving as Ted Cruz’s right-hand man. In his first interview, he’s here to share some of the secrets that have made him effective and war stories from the campaign trail!

In politics, some of the most important people are the ones who you rarely hear speak. Our guest this week has been working in the United States Senate for about 10 years and been Senator Ted Cruz’s right-hand man but this is the first interview he’s ever done.

Before we get started with the interview, I wanted to remind y’all that the My Campaign Coach Minute podcast is live on iTunes and Amazon’s Alexa. We’re in our second week and we’re getting some great feedback. Each episode is 1-2 minutes long and I share insights about concrete campaign tips that every candidate or campaign operative needs to know!

Bruce Redden is a native of northwest Oklahoma and became fascinated with politics relatively early in life. Immediately after graduating from Oklahoma State University (where he’s well-loved for kicking the game-winning field goal over Alabama in the 2006 Independence Bowl), Bruce began working in Washington DC.

Why Good Opposition Research Always Matters – Willis Jones

Podcast Interview of WIllis Jones

Opposition research is often painted as a dirty tactic or dark art. It’s neither. It’s about knowing yourself and knowing your opponent. Without it, you’ll lose.

This week we’re revisiting an incredibly important topic that we haven’t touched in a few months: Opposition Research. John Lappe of Intellz joined us back on Episode 18 to discuss the topic but there’s more than we can talk about in just one episode.

This week, Willis Jones of Capitol City Research is here to discuss some of the biggest takeaways he’s learned from over 20 years of work in the business.

Vetting Candidates, Campaign Logistics & Voter Contact – Raz Shafer

Raz Shafer - Vetting Candidates, Campaign Logistics & Voter Contact

Vetting candidates, properly built campaign logistics and strong voter contact are essentials in any political operation. Make sure you’re doing them right!

We’re back again this week with our new podcast format, diving deep into some subjects that folks have asked for us to cover on Facebook. Today we’re talking about Vetting Candidates, building your campaign calendar, the campaign logistics framework for a strong campaign and different ways to contact voters.

Candidate Vetting

With Roy Moore’s defeat in the Alabama Senate this week, lots of people are wondering how the secrets of his past weren’t discovered earlier. His case is an aberration since it’s hard to keep those kinds of things hidden for so long, but there are some common sense steps that people can take to make sure that candidates they support won’t surprise them.

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