Never miss a chance to reminder voters how important their vote is to you.

I’m all about establishing vote goals and tracking metrics in campaigns. Failing to set the right activity goals, whether it’s fundraising, block walking or votes, will lose you the election. There’s a problem in becoming too goal focused though.
Often, candidates find themselves so focused on the quantitative goals that they forget that a person, an actual human is casting the vote. We can poll and aggregate data to understand it better, but at the end of election day, the results will be determined by a bunch of individual humans making a singular decision.
Why is this important, if you have the right goals and executive your activity well? The fact is that keeping people’s humanity in mind will both humble you and help you focus on the individual. When you’re talking to a voter or a donor, they should be your world. Making them so is both genuinely respecting of who they are AND makes it more likely that they’ll vote for you.
Failing to focus on that individual will be quickly seen as a lack of respect…hardly a feeling that will lend to a secured vote.
One of the most important ways you can show that human focus is by thanking people for their support and vote. It demonstrates to them that they are more than a number or a hash-mark to you. You simply can’t say thank you to a voter too many times.
Say thank you with your words, with your actions and by showing respect through focused interaction.
To find out more about what it takes to win a political campaign, go to You can also check out our interviews with Candidates, Elected Officials, Consultants and Campaign Staff on the How to Run for Office Podcast! On Facebook, you can find our campaign mastermind group by searching for the Elite Campaign Mastermind and our page under My Campaign Coach. If you want to help support our efforts, you can do that with financial support via or by giving us a nice rating on iTunes!