Our Donors Merely Have Money – John Von Kannon

Here’s today’s tip: “Our Donors Merely Have Money”
In a recent interview on the How to Run for Office Podcast, I talked to Jeff Trimbath about this idea in depth and highly recommend y’all check it out. The short of it is that Donors have money, but candidates and campaigns, if they’re doing their job right, have solutions. Unless the two find an effective match, nothing will be accomplished.
If you truly believe that the goal you’re pursuing is transformational, you should be tenacious in the pursuit of funding. If you’re not active in articulating the reason and need for funding, what should compel me to believe that your goal is so significant?
Without your solution, donors will be incapable of realizing their desired outcomes. Once the match is found, however, means and solution become one to achieve the mutually desired outcome.
To find out more about what it takes to win a political campaign, go to MyCampaignCoach.com. You can also check out our interviews with Candidates, Elected Officials, Consultants and Campaign Staff on the How to Run for Office Podcast! On Facebook, you can find our campaign mastermind group by searching for the Elite Campaign Mastermind and our page under My Campaign Coach. If you want to help support our efforts, you can do that with financial support via Patreon.com/mycampaigncoach or by giving us a nice rating on iTunes!