Politics is supposed to be about people, not power. Act Accordingly! - My Campaign Coach

Politics is supposed to be about people, not power. Act Accordingly!

Politics is supposed to be about people, not power. Act Accordingly!

Are you involved in politics because of who you want to BE or what you want to DO?

People who are in politics to BE somebody are focused on power. If doing something, or service are your focus, you’re starting from the right place.

There’s something tricky about this question though. Human nature is such that we don’t stay at the same point across that spectrum over time. Even worse, we sometimes trick ourselves into believing that clinging on to or growing our power will be to the long-term betterment of the people we serve.

By the time an de observer could diagnose the narcissism that has led someone down the power-focused path, they’ve deadened the natural sensitivity of their conscience through repeated abuse. That means that protection against this slide towards selfishness requires aggressive self-review and a close group of confidants.

When properly cultivated, those two assets will hold you on the path you have set off to take. Politics is supposed to be about people, not power. Act Accordingly!

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Raz Shafer

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