Why Running for Local Office Matters with Ross Kecseg - My Campaign Coach
Ross Kecseg Interview - Why Running for Local Office Matters

Running for Local Office is often underrated. Ross Kecseg joins us this week to talk about why it’s critically important!

Ross Kecseg leads the Metroplex Bureau for Empower Texans and Texas Scorecard. He is a native North Texan, raised in Denton County.

Ross graduated with a degree in Economics from Arizona State University in 2006, with a special emphasis on Public Policy and U.S. Constitutional history. His professional experience ranges from work at a top physician recruitment firm, to work as an analyst for a market research startup.

For nearly a decade, he has been active in grassroots organizing, political campaigns, journalism, and as a resource for taxpayers looking hold state and local officials accountable.

Ross regularly speaks to freedom-loving Texans regarding the need for tax and spending reform, government transparency and ethics, and the crucial importance of civic engagement.

He’s also an avid golfer, automotive enthusiast, foodie, and movie/music junkie

Links from the Podcast:

Connect with Ross Kecseg on TwitterFacebook, or the Empower Texans website.

Important Topics and Time Stamps from the Podcast:

[00:00] Podcast Introduction and Ross Kecseg Bio

[01:30] How Ross got started in politics

[04:35] You can’t change the policy unless you change the politicians

[08:27] How can candidates prepare better to interview for endorsements?

[15:47] Your “Why” Matters

[20:31] Why running for local office is important

[27:12] How to fundraise for local office or state level races

[35:54] Planning early may not make campaigns easy, but it’ll make them much more simple.

[39:15] What should future candidates do TODAY to prepare for a run in the future?

[44:30] Preview of “Questions to Ask BEFORE You Run For Office” free download

[48:46] What does Empower Texans do for activists and candidates in Texas?

[52:34] Closing thoughts from Ross Kecseg

[54:32] Where you can find Ross online

[55:07] Podcast closing and outro

Raz Shafer

Christian, Student, Entrepreneur, Politico. Sigma Chi, Singer/Song-writer, Cigar/Fly-fishing/Gun Aficionado

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