Today we’re talking about campaign intelligence and opposition research with the man responsible for quarterbacking the internal vetting and research of all staff, coalition members, endorsers, volunteer leaders and more on Ted Cruz’s Presidential campaign.
John Lappe is a Chicago native, naturalized Texan and graduate of the University of Dallas. He serves as the Chief Operating Officer of Intellz Opposition Research and Strategy. In that capacity, John leverages years of experience with campaigns of every level to craft winning narratives for candidates and the opposition research solutions necessary to ensure their success.
Our guest this week is Zan Campbell of South Carolina. Zan and I recently got connected because he’s currently managing a State Senate Special election campaign for James Galyean, a good friend of mine.
Zan Campbell is a born and raised native of Columbia, SC. Like myself, Zan got his start in politics early, volunteering for his first campaigns at 10 years old. In high school, he competed nationally in speech and debate and followed that by attending the University of South Carolina.
This week’s guest is my good friend Luke Macias, owner of the Texas-based Macias Strategies.
Macias Strategies is driven by the desire to achieve conservative policy outcomes at the state and local level. They believe that the policy outcomes of state and local governments are often opposite to the social and fiscally conservative values that are held by the voters. Limited government will only be obtained through visionary, principled leadership. Those are the characteristics they look for when deciding what candidates and organizations to engage with.
Today we’re talking to Aaron Harris about managing campaigns, the differences between partisan and nonpartisan races and what you can do to avoid losing your race due to voter fraud. We’re going to talk in depth about Planning GOTV operations and how to stay on message when you are under attack.
Aaron has been involved in running state and local campaigns for a number of years, both as a consultant and campaign manager. For the last few years he has been heading up Direct Action Texas, focused on helping the grassroots take action in changing local government.
He’s one of the few consultants in Texas who has extensive experience with both partisan and nonpartisan races and has learned a lot about big differences between how those kinds of races should be run.
The area where Aaron has made recent news is in regards to uncovering voter fraud. His investigations catalyzed what is now the largest voter fraud investigation ever undertaken by the state of Texas and the crimes were committed right in our backyard, Fort Worth Texas.
Aaron is a good friend and frequent co-conspirator. He’s got some great advice for us today and I’m excited to have him on.
Direct Action Texas: Website, Facebook and Twitter
Email Aaron:
DATX Voter Fraud Presentation: Click here
[00:00] Special Request
[00:24] Introduction – Aaron Harris
[02:00] Tell us a bit more about your background and what you’ve been involved in.
[03:30] What was it that got you started in politics?
[05:00] Managing campaigns, Planning GOTV and working in partisan races
[08:50] Winning Jonathan Stickland’s first House campaign
[12:00] Pros and Cons of running as an incumbent
[13:00] Dealing with electoral challenges without compromising
[17:17] Killer Planning GOTV tips for Candidates
[23:20] How Wendy Davis helped Conservatives win big in Texas
[25:00] How are Municipal/Non-Partisan races different from other elections?
32:03 Talking about Voter Fraud: how it occurs, where it’s an issue and how to keep it from stealing your race.
[34:51] Do you know how many dollars, doors and donors you need to win?
[36:38] Don’t be afraid to submit Open Records Requests! They can help you a lot.
[38:08] How to microtarget your voters and use data to turn out voters on election day
[41:06] Planning GOTV + Strategy and what are you going to do with the data?
[43:08] Breaking down the differences between Identification, Persuasion and GOTV
[46:05] Do you have a clear message and are you sticking to it?
[48:33] Do you have a well outlined budget and clear vote goal?
[50:56] Don’t get pulled off your message!
[51:20] Where can listeners find you online?
[51:52] Outro