Titles for staff and volunteers are free and make people feel important.
Here’s today’s tip: Titles for staff and volunteers are free and make people feel important.
Money is tight on the campaign trail…but you need quality staff. When you can’t pay people what you’d like, make sure you consider what else might be of value to them that’s free or cheap to you!
One of my favorite non-monetary ways to reward people is through titles. Often this is the last thing that a candidate thinks about when hiring somebody. It’s an afterthought because, after all, you’re focused on votes and how to secure them cheaply. I’d encourage you to put serious thought into the titles and job descriptions of your hires and volunteers. Those will be tools they’ll use in the future to secure future opportunities and the more thought you put into them, the more valuable they’ll be.
I’d also encourage you to write an unsolicited letter of recommendation for any staffer or volunteer who you would be willing to endorse for future work. Taking these steps will show them clearly how much you care about them and confirm that you see them more than fodder for a campaign machine.
Treat your people well by empathizing with their situation. Don’t be stingy with the cheap things that will be huge benefits to them down the line. Titles for staff and volunteers are free and make people feel important!
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