How Trump’s Digital Team Broke the Mold in 2016 - Theresa Hong

How Trump’s Digital Team Broke the Mold in 2016 – Theresa Hong

Podcast Interview with Theresa Hong

Love him or hate him, Trump’s campaign was a new animal. Today we’re talking with his Director of Digital Content about how they won the Presidency!

2016 was definitely a unique year in politics and we’ve talked to alumni of a couple different presidential campaigns here on the podcast. But we haven’t had the opportunity to sit down with anyone who served on the yugely successful campaign of President Donald Trump. Today we get to fix that!

Before we do, I want to remind y’all that we’re in the process of releasing a couple new free campaign resources through our website and launching our highly praised Advanced Candidate Course as a self-paced online class with live q/a. If you want to be a better candidate or run a stronger campaign, go to, check out our resources and sign up for our weekly tips email!

Now to the interview.

With a strong background in digital media strategy, implementation, writing, marketing and content creation, Theresa Hong brings more than 15 years of agency, private, nonprofit and government industry experience, creating and managing numerous marketing, digital marketing, communications and political campaigns.

While one of Theresa’s favorite components of working with clients is the opportunity to sit, listen and collaborate, she is the first to admit she is a proud sci-fi and tech geek – most notably, she loves integrating technology to relay powerful messages, fast.

Theresa finds satisfaction that the world of communications has managed to preserve the art of face-to-face relationship building, traditional media and advertising, while intertwining this art with the power of digital media. The power to share an idea, tell a story, and instantly disperse the message that, if done right, has the potential to promote action and change behavior is one of the many reasons why Theresa loves what she does.

In her past lives, Theresa has served as an account executive managing a variety of diverse clients for McNally Temple, a political consulting agency located in Sacramento. She’s also served as communications and digital media director for a California state senator, as well as worked in the tech and energy industries. In 2016, Theresa served as digital content director for the Donald J. Trump for President Digital Media Campaign and Presidential Inauguration Committee.

Right now, Theresa is the Senior Vice President of Communications for Political Branding Associates, where she works closely with Bonnie Siegel, who was our guest a few weeks ago.

A San Antonio native, she’s incredibly happy to be back in the Alamo City – where her heart and family reside. After hours, you’ll probably find her being a tourist in her hometown, accidentally photo-bombing families in front of the Alamo.

Links from the Podcast

Connect with Theresa Hong on Twitter, LinkedIn, or the Political Branding Associates website.

Important Timestamps from the Interview

[00:00] Podcast Introduction & Theresa Hong Bio

[02:50] Theresa’s background and how she got connected with President Trump

[06:36] Joining the Trump Campaign

[10:00] What lessons prepared you to be effective on the Trump Campaign?

[14:05] How do you maintain authenticity in social media on the campaign?

[22:07] What are some good general rules for content types campaigns need to push?

[30:32] What are the top Do’s/Don’ts for a new social media director?

[35:20] Make sure your digital content reflects your voice and brand

[47:34] What was it like joining the Trump campaign?

[52:29] How combined political and non-political experience empowered Trump’s team


[1:01:26] Did you think Trump was going to win in November?

[1:06:10] What lessons does Trump’s victory teach us?

[1:12:27] What does Political Branding Associates do for campaigns?

[1:16:34] Where can people find you online?

[1:17:35] Outro and Call to Action

Also published on Medium.

Raz Shafer

Christian, Student, Entrepreneur, Politico. Sigma Chi, Singer/Song-writer, Cigar/Fly-fishing/Gun Aficionado

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